
Ransomware, what you can do.

There are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself, in order of priority
1. Ensure you have back ups and backup that are not accessible through the network.
2. Ensure you have both good anti-virus and network protection software, we use Eset and Heimdal. No client of ours with Heimdal although attacked has been "Ransomed"
3. Have strong passwords
4. Implement basic security on your router (close ports you do not need, hide open ports)
5. Remote users should use additional authentication

What should you do
1 — Stop the Infection spreading, disconnect any infected machine from the network. Consider disconnecting switches and routers.
2 — Identify and remove the Infection, once you know the type of Ransomeware you have you can begin to stop and remove it.
3 — Report to the Police, this is a step you may consider taking depending on the severity of the attack.
4 — Restore your data, your options will depend on the attack you have suffered.
- You be forced to pay the ransom but there are no garuntees
- Once you are sure the infection is removed restore your systems from back ups, if you have doubts about the infection you may need to instal from scratch.

If you have good back ups you need to discover when you were first infected, remmber that an infection might have layed dormant on your system for a longer time.



Hello. We are Apollo, specialists in IT Support, Cloud Phones, Broadband and Computer Systems for businesses. Based in Devon - and serving the UK. We are your team of technology experts: our clients range from Charities to Marinas. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered firm we are committed to quality and improvement in everything we deliver.